主耶穌愛我 有聖經告訴我
yes Jesus loves me yes Jesus loves me
yes Jesus loves me the bible tells me so 和弦譜
上帝的安排真奇妙!今天李醫師依例問診關心外,也問了我生活的近況, 因此才知道彼此都是基督徒。 感謝主!差派了這位年輕專業有愛有耐心的弟兄守護我。 祈求主賜福李醫師並添加他足夠的氣力,讓更多需要幫助的人, 因他得到最好的醫療與幫助! 阿們! 底下是我在2016年9月裝第一隻支架後寫下的文字~ (當時李醫師就是我的主治醫師,若不是他堅持我住院治療,很可能就沒有這一段小小的見證了) 九月初我作了心導管手術,裝了一隻支架。 躺在手術台上的當時,不安與恐懼不斷地侵擾著軟弱的我。 接著,我開始背頌起主禱文,一次又一次,一次又一次....... 感謝主!祢給了我一個最棒最美的見證~在我的心裡,不止是成功的裝上了支架,更裝滿了 主耶穌祢所賜下的平安! 這首“Into my heart 進入我心” 是敎會每週主日一開始時所唱的第一首詩歌。 這兩個禮拜在家休養的期間,我試著用烏克麗麗將他編彈出來,懷抱著的是滿滿的感恩的心,謝謝 主耶稣! 歌詞: Into my heart, into my heart, Come into my heart, Lord Jesus; Come in today, come in to stay; Come into my heart, Lord Jesus. 進入我心,進入我心, 來進入我心,主耶稣。 現在進來,不擱離我, 來進入我心,主耶穌。
安靜 Hillsong--Still Hide me now
Under Your wings
Cover me
Within Your mighty hand
When the oceans rise and thunders roar
I will soar with you above the storm
Father, You are King over the flood
I will be still and know You are God
Find rest my soul
In Christ alone
Know His power
In quietness and trust
When the oceans rise and thunders roar
I will soar with you above the storm
Father, You are King over the flood
I will be still and know You are God
Come, they told me, parum pum pum pum,A new born King to see, parum pum pum pum,Our finest gifts we bring, parum pum pum pum,To lay before the King, parum pum pum pum,Rum pum pum pum, rum pum pum pum.So to honour Him, parum pum pum pum,When we come.
Baby Jesus, parum pum pum pum,
I am a poor boy too , parum pum pum pum,I have no gift to bring, parum pum pum pum,That's fit to give our King, parum pum pum pum,
Rum pum pum pum, rum pum pum pum.Shall I play for you, parum pum pum pumOn my drum?
The Ox and Lamb kept time, parum pum pum pum,I played my drum for Him, parum pum pum pum,I played my best for Him, parum pum pum pum,Rum pum pum pum, rum pum pum pum.Then He smiled at me, parum pum pum pum,Me and my drum.